Ca 30 av medlemmene i koret vårt var med på dette helt spesielle arrangementet, og det var gøy. Vi deltok i til sammen 10 “kor-snutter” i denne operaen, og både øvde og opptrådte sammen med damekoret Torsketruten !!!
Hvis du ser godt etter, skimter du noen korister i bakgrunnen nedenfor, hehe … Vi var for en gangs skyld ikke hovedpersoner på denne fremføringen, men en liten del av en utrolig omfattende produksjon :)
Nedenfor er noen stikkord hentet fra det aktuelle Facebook-arrangementet !!
Theatre Brama (PL) and Stella Polaris (NO) invite you to The Rock Opera of Sandefjord on 17.06.2023 in Hjertnes Amfi from Badeparken at 20.00.
*Free admission
About the show:
When the goddess of love has forgotten who she is, when a woman trying to help those in need gets overwhelmed and needs an escape, and a man’s apathy allows the zombie spirit to prey on the vulnerable. How do we break our habits of indifference? What happens when we are so desensitized to the troubles of the world that we choose to turn away?
“The eye of the crocodile opens”
Directed by Daniel Jacewicz, composed by Jarek Chilkiewicz, and written by Małgorzata Sikorska Miszczuk, the Rock Opera of Sandefjord aims to send an anti-war message and asks us to come together in a world that seems more divided than ever, to not take for granted the freedoms that so many others are having stripped away from them every day, and to perform the most radical action possible in times of overwhelming fear and apathy; to Hope and work for a better tomorrow.
During the two-year process of collaboration of Stella Polaris & Theatre Brama we created the Rock Opera that engaged people, groups, and clubs from across the city and honors the potential of the people and organizations that make Sandefjord the brilliant city it is.